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Jeremy CampDead Man Walking
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Are you going trick or treating tonight? If you are here is something to think about... You can meet more neighbors tonight—in...
Last night I had the awesome priviledge of narrating a piece of music for the Ringgold Middle School Symphonic Bands concert. I shared the Gettysburg...
We are now being invaded with ladybugs! Up the side of the house, all over the deck, crawling up the windows...the back yard is a moving mass... well...
I don't know about you but cheese in my diet is part of the 4 basic food groups... so if your like me your are going to find this...
So Friday night I kept Amy up all night snoring......congestion had set it. Two days later....it is a full blown (and I mean full nose blown) cold....
Many times when my mind is free of clutter (which is not that often), the song that comes automatically to my mind is I Believe in Music (by Mac...
As we are looking at the month of October flying by and November marching in we are looking at our J103 Budget and seeing a decreasing defecit each...
Earlier today we talked on air about how Chattanooga has been selected by US News and World Report as one of the Top 10 Cities to retire on less than...
Yesterday was the end of an era for me and my wife. For 10 years we have made the trek to the beautiful Baylor Campus and watched our three kids run...
No bike riding today... after the major accident on the trails out at Enterprise on Tuesday morning... the back wheel rim is bent... ans I still have...