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Hey guys!I hope you are already for this Easter weekend!Get out and enjoy that Spring weather! Here are a couple of fun activities happening this...
Have you ever wondered about how Miss Piggy actually came to be? How did she get to New York? How did she become who she is today?Available online,...
How about that?It is the first weekend of SPRING! Why not get out and enjoy the Spring weather? First up is Vintage Baseball! On Saturday, March 24,...
Can you imagine being on vacation with your large family of 12. On February 7th you are driving down the I-40 in Amarillo Texas at 3:28am. Your...
How cool is it that there is a new app that is trying to save lives?A new app, by the name of Pulse Point, has been produced to get aid to cardiac...
Does this warm weather, not make you excited for Spring?Well, while the warm weather lasts, why not get out and enjoy it? Here are some things that...
This weekend there is so much going on and you will not want to miss it!First Things First is hosting a new fun activity coming to the Highland Park...
Here is some things that are up and coming this weekend!