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JFEST is less than 48 hours away! I wish I had one of those countdown clocks to post here! Set up is going great out at Camp Jordan. The artists are...
Actor and director Kirk Cameron’s “Monumental†documentary provided a lens into...
If you love treats, especially FREE treats, here’s an event you’ll enjoy. For National Donut...
This post has been the most challenging one for me yet. I come from a fairly small family, distant relatives were just that and most of everyone was...
To fully understand the story I am about to tell you there is a bit of background information you need to know. Every other year my dad's side of the...
Before you head to the market and pick up the bagged lettuce for the Memorial Day backyard BBQ check to see if it is one of these brands: River...
i'm not always quite convinced that some of my co-workers here aren't government spies. you ever feel like someone's watching you when you're not...
When planning a festival the size of JFEST you find yourself looking at the forecast weeks ahead of time. I have learned one thing.....if you don't...
I was somewhat unsure about what to expect in an office environment before I started my internship. Like Alexandra I am a server therefore I am used...