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Matt MaherYour Love Defends Me
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This morning on the show we talked about those things that you or your spouse attempt to do around the house just to help out......but we/they do it...
The youngest man-cub Chipper has now passed one of those High School Milestones......his Sr Prom. He and his date looked wonderful and had a great...
You may have heard me talking about Chipper's car accident in my Durango. It is an older vehicle that has been involved in an accident before, and as...
Just got back for the eye surgeon and he stated that the eye is correcting itself and the surgery is not needed! GO...
One of those things Amy has been asking for for a long time was to have the front steps painted. Now let me tell you a little about me and...
While at Winshape on a staff retreat, I went trail riding with our program director Justin Wade and one of our account executives Scott Tatum (Both...
For some reason, one of my FB friends wished me a Happy Birthday yesterday morning on my Facebook page and now I am being flooded with Birthday...
My what a busy weeks end and weekend I had. Not bad by any means-just busy! Thursday was a really long day with the Birthday Bash-but what a success!...
A while ago I took a nasty fall on bike. It was so bad that I dented my bike helmet and received a huge contusion (which I still have). This week I...
J103's listeners and financial partners never cease to amaze me! Last night's Birthday Bash was incredible!!! Thank you for your support and those who...