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I have always known that cheerleaders can impact the way a game turns out. When a crowd is fired-up and cheering their team on-that team plays...
As the Sands of the Hourglass.....so are the Days of our Lives......goes the popular theme to the old soap opera. It is true though-nothing we can do...
There is a movie that YOU HAVE TO SEE...opening this Friday night at Wynnsong Theater off Gunbarrel Road. We'll be broadcasting live from the theater,...
Trevor received a phone call from his High School Soccer Coach, Steven Bruce last night. The Bryan College Soccer Coach wants Trevor to come and play...
Everyone is so excited about the Extreme Makeover Home Edition Project that is going on just a couple minutes away from our studios here at J103. In...
OK, I have never sang the National Anthem at the Super Bowl. The biggest venue I have ever sang it at was a Chattanooga Lookouts Game. I have been...
You've heard every football team in America do it. They boast that nobody will come in and beat them on their own field. They pound their chests and...
Tomorrow Tina Wesson the winner from Survivor Outback/Australia (The 2nd Season) is scheduled to join us on the morning show. Tina's season was the...
You've heard us today, talking about the needs in Mozambique and what Cross International is doing about it. This is real stuff. These kids are...
And yet another remake of the Superman character will be coming to theaters in 2012. Henry Cavill (a British actor?-what's up with that) will portay...