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The AftersYou Never Gave Up On Me
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When you are up before the dawn and spend most of your day inside-it really makes it appear to be a short day when the sun goes down so early. Medical...
It just comes natural to stop this time of year and collect your thoughts on what you are thankful for. Salvation, my wife-Amy, my three kids-Lauren,...
Yesterday we drove the J103 Prize Cruiser and van loaded down with shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. Our J103 listeners bless us each and every...
Earlier this week, I announced the first Ridgeland High School home game of the season. The Panthers were hosting the Warriors of LFO. Everyone was...
Occupy.........Church? Here's a novel idea. Get off Wall Street and stop camping out in downtown Chattanooga. If you have a job, go to work. If you...
I find it hard to believe that there are people who choose not to vote. I'm not talking about those who occasionally forget to go or have such a busy...
Every year I hear of more and more people that have been impacted by Operation Christmas Child. In the Chattanooga Times Free Press this morning was...