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Jeremy CampDead Man Walking
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what am i most thankful for this Thanksgiving? one of the things i'm most thankful for is people! i love people! God's definitely blessed me with a...
We have been so blessed this week by a couple of incredible gifts towards our ministry. The first is the gift of shoeboxes. I am in awe of the...
Thanks for your input in helping me create this shopping list. Here's the Top Ten Christmas Gifts of 2009: 1) Apple Ipod Touch (We're giving these...
2:38am and he drops in unnannounced... TOLD YA THEY WERE AFTER ME! i killed him though. killed him...
do you have any friends you don't get to keep up with enough? you know the ones i'm talking about, the ones you really get along with and enjoy...
it blesses our souls to see the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes being delivered here to J103. Monday is the deadline and I am praying for 500...
I am compiling a list of the TOP TEN CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR 2009, for use on the air. I need your help. Just reply to this blog and tell me what you want...
Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas! Celebrating the birth of our Savior is one of my favorite times of the year. I just always feel guilty shopping,...
This is the last time I will mention this....because today is the last day of the campaign. Yep, I'm talking about the Bible League. As you know,...
do you know what it's like to live in a state of constant fear? to know that even though you can't see them, they're watching you from the shadowy...