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Natalie GrantYou Will Be Found (Feat. Cory Asbury)
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Encouragement to read God's Word rather than to try and find your sustenance elsewhere.
Camp Big Fish in Hixson is looking for you to become the next camp director! Contact Jeremy at the link...
There are so many options out there when it comes to lip balm. You can phone it in and go with something plain, or you can go all in with a flavor...
A romantic-drama, OLD FASHIONED centers on Clay Walsh, a former frat boy who gives up his carousing and now runs an antique shop in a small Midwestern...
You can be surrounded at all times by people that love you. You can have enough self love to make a unicorn cry. But there’s only one true Love that fills the empty spaces in your crowded life and brings you to humble tears.
Spring City United Methodist Church is looking for a Youth Director to faithfully lead our Youth Program. Part time, paid position, education or...
Hey, Dads! Looking for a fun, simple way to connect with your 7- to 18-year-old daughter? Take her on a date on February 28 to Daddy/Daughter Date...
Web wanderers are more likely to get a computer virus by visiting a religious website than by visiting bad websites, according to a...
Valentine's Day dominates store displays in February, but there's a lot more to the month than teddy bears and flowers. It might still be frigid out,...