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Andrew RippJericho
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My new wall calendar arrived yesterday. I was able to list all of the activities and events that J103 will be sponsorsing for next year. Wow! 20-10 is...
Friday is the last day for you to donate Bibles in our Bible League campaign. We're filling empty hands with God's Word in Southeast Asia. Over 1300...
'Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured...
As I am sitting here this morning waiting on the rest of my family to get ready for church, (why am I always the first one ready?), updating my blog,...
Last week, while sitting in the Hospital Waiting Room waiting while my mother-in-law was in surgery, God really spoke some valuable lessons and truths...
Yesterday, I sat for most of the day and waited. I waited on the results of my mother-in-law's surgery. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer two...
(finished 'Return to Oz' last week. the good guys win just to let you know.) nothing is worse than standing next to a friend unable to stop their...
There are just a few more days left in our Bible League campaign. We are sending Bibles to new Christians in Southeast Asia who do not have a copy of...